I know I haven’t posted in a while but it’s not because of lack of topics or writing skills..more like lack of mood and time..So here’s something to makeup..
I was attending a green talk the other day and the host had listed a few important conferences held through out the year on this topic..I thought it might be a good idea to research and blog on it. Below is the fruits of my two hours of deep (?) research..
Net Impact National Conference: This one I have attended and can vouch for; they fill in so many speakers, panels events, you lose a lot of weight just running around trying to make it from one topic to another! According to the site (of which I am a member); “The Net Impact Conference is the only gathering in the world to bring together both graduate students and professionals to explore the latest ideas, tools, and careers that use business to achieve social and environmental good”. More info at: https://www.netimpact.org/?emailformnbr=126102
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Annual Conference: Regularly ranked by independent analysts as one of the top sustainability conferences globally, the annual BSR Conference is one of the world’s largest events devoted to corporate responsibility. It features a global audience of senior business executives, entrepreneurs, and distinguished leaders from the public & private sector. More info at: http://www.bsr.org
Greenbuild International Conference and Expo: Greenbuild is the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. Thousands of building professionals from all over the world come together at Greenbuild for three days of outstanding educational sessions, renowned speakers, green building tours, special seminars, and networking events. They have available throughout the year recored versions of all speakers and panels from past sessions. Check out: http://www.greenbuildexpo.org
Ethical Corporation Conferences: This one is Europe based. It’s heralded as the biggest annual gathering of the CSR community in Europe. With an attendance of 450+, they offer an unrivaled networking opportunity and a good line-up of business leaders and CSR professionals as speakers -and workshops.
More info at: http://www.ethicalcorp.com/events
BioneersConference: For the food lovers; The Bioneers Conference is a leading-edge forum. At this premiere environmental conference, social and scientific innovators focus on solutions inspired by nature and human ingenuity. I heard the youtube videos of last year’s talk given by Michael Pollan..they were amazing..I would go if I could afford the time and money! Check out details at: http://www.bioneers.org/conference
Green Festivals:
Green Festival®, a joint project of Global Exchange and Green America, discuss and celebrate what’s working in communities—for people, business and the environment.
Individuals along with business and community leaders come together to discuss critical issues that impact us at home and abroad. Activities include: 125 renowned authors, leaders and educators; great how-to workshops; cutting-edge films; fun activities for kids; organic beer and wine; delicious vegetarian cuisine and diverse live music.
More details at: http://www.greenfestivals.org
note: I recently updated this post (in 2018), and removed quite a few defunct conferences.
#greenconferences, #greenfestivals, #bioneers, #ethicalcorporation, #greenbuildinternational, #bsr, #netimpact, sustainability
