Looking for a job in the field of science?- try naturejobs.com; not an accurate name but it does seem to have some interesting listings.
Looking for a sustainable place to stay at when visiting the Hamptons in NY? -try greenporterhotels.com
Yet another cooking/recipe blog site. Maybe they are different, who knows! Check out Honest Cooking here
Learnt an old concept: Carbon Sink
According to wikipedia: A carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon. In the process, carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed from the atmosphere (known as carbon sequestration). The natural sinks are absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans via physicochemical and biological processes and photosynthesis by terrestrial plants. While the former is not good, the latter is what keeps us alive. The opposite of which, deforestation is one of the leading causes of adding C02 into the atmosphere in the first place. The reason behind deforestation is large scale agriculture.
Three important numbers to remember:
3 degree warming of the planet means life over for us. We have to curtail it at 2 degrees.
Already there have been 5 mass extinction on earth, we may be heading for the 6th one due to weather related changes.
At the same time, the future (by 2050) may have 9 billion of us inhabiting the planet. How do we prepare for that?
Learn more at this wonderful scientific website: Welcome to the Anthropocene (era of humans)
That’s it for today!